Money saving tips are based on personal opinion or experiences and should not be considered as a recommendation by Harrow Financial. They may or may not have the same results for you. Please submit any additions to: [email protected] for review. Posts to this area will become the ownership of Harrow Financial.
12 Jan '17
Shopping for Groceries
Continue readingMake a list prior to going shopping, and stick to it. You are far more likely to buy unnecessary items if you don’t have a list prepared. Ideally it will be stuck to your fridge (horrible but useful) or a nearby bulletin board so you can write items on it as you […]
31 Oct '16
Booking a Vacation
Continue readingIf you happen to be living on a budget, counting the pennies or living frugally you might assume that booking a vacation is out of the question. However, it is very possible to save money and still afford to travel – even on a shoe string budget. Booking a holiday needn’t be an expensive outgoing […]
26 Sep '16
Buying Wine?
Continue readingIn this day and age, buying wine is a complicated matter. So many labels from so many vineyards, so many types of grapes. What can you do? Well after some research and with the help of one of my sons who bottled wine in California for a while, I found out a simple rule of […]